Thursday, January 22, 2009

ehong is available in e-commerce now!

I am LEE YIK HONG, nick name is e-hong. My birth place is full of flowers and siew pau. ya, you are right, it is seremban. I am a short guy but strong enough. Hehe! Dating beautiful girls are my routine life, and rejecting cute guys is also a routine job for me. I like to do something whatever that I have not tried before. For example, emm… cannot tell you la, you guess yourself. Furthermore, my favourite is to tell grandma story to those new meet friends. They usually stay away from me because they like to listen grandpa’s story more than grandma. I am 23 years old this year, my grandma is 70 something. I love my grandparents very much because they love me very much also. I was the best athlete in Negeri Sembilan in year 1998, a long time ago la. Now I am busy with my study. Due to stress reason, my weight is increasing every month, each month 2kg. I think I will become 137kg(before enter UTAR is 65kg)when I graduate. My favourite 5 websites that I visit the most are,,, The reason I visit most is because I need to search a lot of things during my life especially in UTAR life. The next is because I need to check my results, timetable and any announcements. The website which I can meet a lot of friends and know their current life is The fourth one is actually not my favourite website but my mother. She always asks me visit to see her results, LOTTERY results!!! Last but not least, is a fun place where provides many games here. I will visit this website whenever I feel bored and have nothing to do. I used to utilize internet for the purpose of chatting with friends, seeing the news from all over the world, playing games online, downloading music and video and searching some funny stuff from web.

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